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08 October 2021 14:35 WIB - Administrator

Asian Standard Car Carrier

Asian Standard is a development of the Hamana Works Indonesia Concept Car Carrier semi-trailer unit. Based on the data and recommendations obtained during the demo and trial concept car carrier carried out in car manufacture companies and logistics partners. Hamana Works Indonesia made a new model of semi-trailer car carrier by adopting designs and technology from Japan and then adapted to the needs in Indonesia.

  1. Dimension
    Asian Standard car carrier according to government regulation PP No. 55 years 2021
    Length 18,000 mm and Width 2,500 mm
  2. Steel material selection using CAE - FEA (Finite Elements Analysis)
    After the design of the car carrier is complete, then a CAF-FEA test is carried out to determine the type of material and sizes that are allowed to be used in the Asian Standard
  3. Lower loading position
    Reducing work in height areas, so far in Indonesia there are still work accidents falling from a height while working, Asian standards are designed to be able to do fastening work without climbing the top floor
  4. Air Suspension
    The road conditions traversed by the car carrier are not always the same, bad road conditions will affect the quality of the frame structure. With the use of Air suspension, it is better able to absorb vibrations caused by damaged roads, this will increase the durability of the frame. Air suspension can also adjust the height of the air suspension as needed